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Nail that 'fro!

I want spend a little time on a subject that I feel well qualified to address.

Afro blog

The afro. (If you check out my bio pic, you'll see why, lol) I have worn one off and on for several years, yet for the life of me, couldn't figure how to draw a convincing one on canvas! I tried using squiggly lines, short strokes, circular markings... but it just ended up looking like a bad attempt at an afro. After much contemplation, I figured a sponge makes organic circles and squiggles. The pores of the sponge mimic tightly coiled hair. I use a simple dishwashing sponge (a pack can be purchased for a dollar). Using short dabbing motions with the corner of the sponge, a convincing afro can be formed. So, for more art tips, simply subscribe to my weekly blog. I only post every Sunday, no spam.

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